Deric Cahill at the Cafeteria Comedy Club
November 15, 2024
Cafeteria Comedy Club
501 E Rio Salado Pkwy, Tempe
6:00 p.m. Doors/ Bar opens/ DJ M7
8:00 p.m. Show
Prepare to laugh as we transform indoor space at Mountain America Stadium, Home of the ASU Sun Devils, into a comedy club for a hilarious lineup of live comedy shows, playfully dubbed the "Cafeteria Comedy Club."
Educators can show their school ID for the VIP experience in the "Teacher’s Lounge" before the show. Snacks will be provided by Four Peaks for Teachers Foundation.
Presented by ASU 365 Community Union with co-producers Antony A. & Anwar Newton!
Deric Cahill AKA "BOLDFAM" has amassed a following of over 1M across social media with his satirical take on parenting, adulting and Karen crushing. Now, he's hitting the road with his first ever tour entitled "Toxic Papa" that will include material about his life B.K. and A.K. (Before Kids & After Kids) offering a rare glimpse into how Deric went from corporate America to unhinged TikToker.
Event Information
- Navigate to: 501 E Rio Salado Pkwy, Tempe, AZ 85281
- Entrance is located on North side of Mountain America Stadium. Enter at Rio Salado Parkway & Marina Heights. Park in Lot 59. Follow signs for "Butterfield Kent Furst Student Athlete Facility" entrance.
- Doors open at 6:00 P.M.
- No Drink Minimum!
- Arrive early to see DJ M7 and don't miss the opening acts.
- Have your tickets ready to be scanned when you enter.
- ASU Bag Policy will be in effect.